This page will take a while to download but it
will give you a look at just some of the different devices available for
Infinity 2.
VSTi Live |
is a real time VST instrument player. Just choose one of your VST
instruments, select a patch and you're ready to play using your MIDI
keyboard or any Infinity MIDI controller device.
You can set the volume, mute individual
MIDI channels, transpose notes, and select the pitch and velocity range.
DXi Live |
is a real time DXi instrument player. Just choose one of your DXi
instruments, select a patch and you're ready to play using your MIDI
keyboard or any Infinity MIDI controller device.
You can set the volume, mute individual
MIDI channels, transpose notes, and select the pitch and velocity range.
Arpeggiate |
is a powerful real-time note arpeggiator that can arpeggiate any source
you want. Arpeggiated notes can then be sent to any Infinity or MIDI
Play notes on your MIDI keyboard or use
an Infinity sequencer or virtual keyboard as a source. Incoming notes are
arpeggiated using one of the following 5 patterns: up, down, up/down,
down/up, or random over a range of up to 5 octaves.
The newly created note's velocity can be
set three different ways and randomized. Note duration is also
configurable and can also be randomized.
Multi Mapper |
is a monster Infinity device with powerful MIDI mapping, morphing
and filtering capabilities. The mapper is divided into 10 segments. Each
segment can use up to 6 different MIDI processes.
For real time MIDI processing, you can
choose from: MIDI channelize, controller scaling, thin continuous
controllers, event filter, pitch inverter, pitch transposer, and velocity
scaler. When used in SONAR or Cakewalk, you can also set note durations,
quantize notes, shift notes in time, and scale note durations.
You can use this device as your keyboard
control center. Receive MIDI from any combination of MIDI ports and
Infinity devices, filter and manipulate the MIDI, then send it to any
combination of Infinity and MIDI instruments to be played.
With Multi Mapper you can turn your
keyboard into a powerful system controller.

The Mapper |
is identical to Multi Mapper except that it contains only one segment
instead of 10. |
Poly Sequence 32 |
is an easy to use 32-step polyphonic sequencer for creating note patterns.
For each step, just click on the grid to
activate the note. Tab to the velocity page to set the velocity level of
each note. The Duration page lets you set each note's duration.
The step pattern you create can be sent
to any Infinity or MIDI instrument to be played.
Poly Sequence 16 |
is identical to Poly Sequence 32 except that the maximum number of steps
you can specify is 16. It offers a more compact editor requiring less screen
space. |
Sequence 16 |
is similar to the traditional step sequencer. You use the sliders to set
the pitch and velocity of each note.
The note sequence can then be routed to
any Infinity or MIDI instrument. |
Sequence Random 16 |
is identical to Sequence 16 except that the 16 notes are output in a
random order. |
Quick Sequencer |
is a standard MIDI file player. Just select a MIDI file, select the MIDI
or Infinity instrument to play it and you're ready to go.
Sequence Player |
is a more advanced standard MIDI file player. With this player you can set
and filter a number of parameters on a per channel basis. In addition, the
output of each MIDI channel can be routed to a different Infinity instrument
so channel 1 could be used for bass and sent to a bass instrument such as
iBass. Channel 10 is typically used for drums and could be sent to the
iDrumKit instrument. Finally, channels to be played by MIDI instruments
would be sent to the MIDI Channel to Port Mapper device.
MIDI Channel to Port Mapper |
is a general purpose MIDI router. Any received MIDI events are sent to a
specific MIDI port on a specific MIDI channel based on the input MIDI
Auto Pattern |
is a unique rhythmic pattern generator that can create rhythms up to 32
beats long. This device accepts MIDI notes from any source and generates
individual notes or chords in the pattern you select. Each step has its own
MIDI velocity level and you can set the number of steps along with swing
The rhythmic note or chord pattern can be
sent to any Infinity or MIDI instrument.
Random 4 |
is a note generator that simultaneously creates up to 4 different
melodies. Just send 4 notes to Random 4 from your MIDI keyboard or
Infinity device and listen to the results. Each melody line can be up to 16
notes long with a fixed melody based on the input notes combined with a
random amount.
The results can be played by any
or MIDI instrument.
Random Random |
is a simpler version of Random 4. With Random Random, the melody is
based solely on the input notes and the degree of randomness selected.
Chord Builder |
Play a single note and get a chord back. Choose from a huge selection of
different chords. |
Delay |
Delay MIDI events on different MIDI channels by different amounts. Have a
problem with two MIDI devices being slightly out of sync? Use this device to
bring them together.
Keyboard Controller |
lets you use your computer keyboard to control your instruments. It
includes four different maps which translate any keyboard key into any MIDI
V Controller (Small) |
is a virtual keyboard. Just click the virtual keyboard to control your
Infinity instrument or MIDI instrument.
V Controller (Large) |
is a virtual keyboard and MIDI controller. Just click the virtual keyboard
to play notes on your Infinity or MIDI instrument. Use the 11 sliders to
send controller, patch change, pitch wheel, and mono and poly after touch
Device Loader |
is an extremely handy utility patch that does precisely that, it loads
devices and that can be a real time saver. Imagine that you like to use a
particular combination of drum kit, bass, two synthesizers, a sample player
and the sequencer patch to play everything. That's six devices that you need
find and load so make it easy on yourself. Bring up Device Loader and
enter each of the devices. Now, you can use Device Loader to manually
or automatically load and optionally close each of your devices.
MIDIX File Selector |
Use Infinity to send MIDIX files to your MIDI keyboards. It works in
Windows platforms like Windows 2000 and Windows XP where most MIDIX
utilities won't work at all.
MIDIX File Transmitter |
A very simple MIDIX File transmitter for Infinity.