Creating Cubase and Nuendo Patchscripts Cubase and Nuendo compatible patchscripts tell the sequencer the names of the patches currently stored in a particular instrument. This allows the sequencer to intelligently display a list of patch names instead of just numbers when configuring a track or individual patch change command. Midi Quest XL, Midi Quest, and UniQuest are all capable of creating Patchscript files and the process is very easy, just load a Midi Quest Set and export the patchscript. Below is an example from a Yamaha Motif 6ES. It has one Performance Bank and eight Voice Banks. After the patch names have been saved as a patchscript file, open Cubase SX, and add the instrument (in this case the Motif ES) as a MIDI device and connect a MIDI track to the device. When you view the list of available patches you will see that there is now a list of available banks that match those of the Motif and if you look at the Pre 1 Voice Bank, you can see that all of the patch names properly listed. This took only a couple of minutes and makes the sequencer much easier and more intuitive to use. |